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Privacy policy

This privacy policy statement applies only to the information collected online by HosannArt.com 

HosannArt.com collects customer information that you provide to us when you place an order, when you save your information with us or when you participate in a promotion or survey. This is to improve our customer's shopping experience and to communicate with our customers about our products, services and promotions. HosannArt will be responsible for all personal data collected, except for credit card information collected through our third party payment gateway, PayPal, for the purpose of processing payment for products you have ordered and as required by law. We may disclose specific information about you if necessary to do so by law or based on our good faith belief that it is necessary to conform or comply with the law or is necessary to protect the users of our Web site, the site or the public. All personal data collected by us will be used and processed fairly and lawfully while in our possession or custody. We ensure all our customers that we would be accountable for our organization's compliance to our Privacy Policy. 

HosannArt may use your information collected online to process and fulfill your order and so that we can send you any necessary emails related to your order, such as an order confirmation notice. Personal data collected will not be used for a new purpose unless we obtain consent from our customers. We are the sole owner of the personally identifiable information collected on this site. We collect personally identifiable information for the sole purpose of registering a user for our web site. In addition, we maintain a record of your product interests, purchases and whatever else might enable us to enhance and personalize your shopping experience. We also monitor site use and traffic patterns to improve our site and the products and services we offer. 

HosannArt recognizes that it must maintain and use customer information responsibly. To ensure expedient and efficient services, it is essential that we keep registered users' personal information accurate and up-to-date. You can always update or delete your personal information on our web site by logging on to your account. We do not keep personal data for longer than is necessary for those purposes for which they are collected. Only necessary personal data is collected from customers for business purposes. Both the amount and the type of data collected shall be limited to that which is necessary to fulfill the purposes identified. HosannArt does not collect sensitive information from our customers. We assure all customers that all personal information collected would be used or disclosed only for the purposes for which it was collected. 

If you have previously signed up to be added to our mailing list but no longer wish to receive email updates from us, please email us at info@hosannArt.com with subject Unsubscribe. Please note that you may still receive email confirmations for any orders placed. Rest assured that HosannArt does not and will not sell or rent your email address and any other personally identifiable information to unrelated third parties for any reason. We do not send unsolicited marketing email to our customers. Customers will occasionally receive email on special promotions we hold. Out of respect for the privacy of our users, users may opt-out of receiving these communications by replying to unsubscribe in the subject line in the email. 

Please be aware that HosannArt may use third parties to help provide services to you, such as fulfilling orders, processing payments, monitoring site activity, serving site content, organizing information, conducting surveys, and administering emails. External contractors who have access to personal data are required to treat the personal information in a confidential manner. 

We have developed guidelines and implemented procedures to govern the destruction of personal data that are no longer required to fulfill the identified purposes. We do not use "cookies", "web bugs" or any other tracking technologies to collect information from users of our web site. We would not display or make publicly available, whether through online directories, customer lists or otherwise, the personally identifiable information collected. As we continue to offer our visitors new content and services, HosannArt may modify its collection and use practices. Should there be a material change to our information practices, it will be applied only to information collected after the change, and we will update this privacy policy statement. If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding our privacy practices, please Contact Us. 

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